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Orthomode transducer

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Orthomode Transducer has H and V-pol flanges and circular flange for combined signal. The main parameter of OMT is crosspolarization which is important for correct combining or dividing orthogonal components (with minimal C/N loses). OMT can be used for double using of frequency band making broadcasting at two orthogonal polarizations or same way - for separation of two polarizations at receiving side. OMT can be used with antennas which can operates with two polarizations same time - DRA-Ku line and BOA-Ku line.

Taking into consideration that we (ROKS PrJSC) are developer and system integrator, also do not stop on our technical growth and improvement, know that view of all our devices and equipment including their technical parameters may be different from pictures presented on website and parameters listed on each device webpage. 
Note! All details customer has to confirm in advance during ordering and before payment. Those parameters that were not specified and / or were not agreed while ordering will be implemented as basic at the discretion of the manufacturer. Each our customer has 1.5 year warranty and 7 year aftersales support for whole range of our products. 
