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Waveguide Filters


Thumb ku band bandpass filter

Ku-band bandpass filter

The Bandpass Filter is used in Ku band for reducing the out of band emissions, limitation the signal bandwidth and reducing noise-band of transmitter.


Thumb band pass filter 2 16 ghz dro based

Band pass filter 2-16 GHz DRO based

The Band Pass Filter 2-16 GHz DRO Based is used for reducing the out of band emissions, limitation the signal bandwidth and reducing noise-band of transmitter.


Thumb default

Band stop filter 2-16 GHz DRO based

Band Stop Filter 2-16 GHz DRO Based is used for reducing the signals in specific bandwidth and passing out of band signals (carriers).


Thumb band pass filter 12 15 ghz roks

Band pass filter 12-15 GHz

The Band pass filter 12-15 GHz is used for reducing the out of band emissions, limitation the signal bandwidth and reducing noise-band of transmitter.


Thumb band pass filter 15 18 ghz roks

Band pass filter 15-18 GHz

The Band pass filter 15-18 GHz is used for reducing the out of band emissions, limitation the signal bandwidth and reducing noise-band of transmitter.
